8/1/2024 Update

A recent MRI indicates there is no significant tumor growth since the last MRI.  However, several difficult side effects from treatment require changes in the treatment.  We have completed Cycle 5 of the chemo pills and will not be doing any more cycles.  We will be tapering down on the steroids Phil has been on since last December.  Infusions have begun again and will continue for a while.  Physical therapy at the rehab facility was too much for Phil.  After each session, he was pretty much out of commission for a couple of days so that was discontinued.  He works at a few exercises at home.  The kids flew in for a few days in July which was wonderful to share time together!!  
Our main prayer request is that Phil's body will adjust, as God sees fit, to all the changes in medications and treatments that will be happening in the next few weeks.  Thanks for continuing to lift us up!