During our recent Gifted for Love sermon series you were given the opportunity to take a spiritual gifts assessment. These charts illustrate a compilation of 40 who shared your results with us. This gives us an aerial snapshot of the spiritual gifts present in our congregation.
The 2 pie charts show how these gifts are distributed in our congregation. The Top Gift chart shows how many people have which of the 14 spiritual gifts as their top gift. The In Top 3 Gifts chart shows how many people have one of the 14 gifts in their top 3.
The gifts assessment helped some reaffirm the gifts they have and are already using. It has helped others think about their gifts in different ways, or even discover new gifts. Each of us has been given gifts from God, and our hope is that we will discover and utilize our spiritual gifts. Just like each member of a team has different strengths to contribute, as a body of believers we each have strengths and gifts. When we use them together as a united team, we are able to spread the gospel and build His Kingdom.